18 vehicles and some hundreds of infantrymen. All is painted and I'm proud of it.
There are (from left to right):
(top) diorama with battlefight, Exterminator, Griffon, Conqueror, Chimeras, Demolisher, Roughriders, Hellhound, Leman Russ, Basilisk, Chimeras, Termite selfmade aircraft, (middle) old Catachans, old Tallarns, Lions (Pretorians' conversions), Ratlings Snipers, Imperial Missionary, Lion mascotte, Eversor assassin, Tallarns, Stormtroopers, Tallarn Veterans, old Beret Stormtroopers, Tanith Ghosts, Sly Marbo&Catachans, (down) new Catachans.