
Friday, November 7, 2014

Lucifer Blacks conversion 3: standard bearer painted

Lucifer Black from Horus Heresy ready for war. Compared to the Catachan Sniper and Stormtrooper Sergeant he seems a little man...

Day one. I paint the standard with red and yellow-sand, to link it to Ancient Roman signa. I try the OSL effect from the the lanterns on the standard and I'm quite satisfied.

Day three. Standard completed. As you can see, Lucifer Black seems short but he's as high as old Perry Imperial Guard miniatures.
I have to find an anti shine matt varnish...

Day five: Lucifer Black completed? He's so dark and shiny that is very difficult making some good photos...
My Lucifer is black, he's a shadow under the Company Standard.
[Update 11/12/2014] Day ???: Lucifer Black renovated. He needs some new details on Company Standard. Blu patches with lightings are the link with Beret Stormtrooper (look at the first photo). The scabbard now is curved, because that must be a sabre scabbard. (I have to find a matt varnish...)


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Lucifer Blacks conversion 2. Standard bearer conversion completed

Following the available background, I cover Lucifer Black's eyes. A strip of smooth plastic. I think now the helm is okay.
Then I shorten right arm, before too long, and over the vambraces armour you can see the sleeves rolled up (because under the coat there are still the carapace plates).
Only shoulder pads remain on the coat: background says on the left one there is military rank but I've already put it on helm...

For the standard, I try to recreate the Roman signa. I know, I know, now the standard is too adorned and too uniform. If circular elements are too similar toDwarf runes I can always say that were forged by Squat... They represent the planets/solar systems conquered. At the top of the abbreviation A.M.I.G. (which stands for... is easy). The alternatives were AMMO, ARMA, AMAT... at that moment I decided AMIG...
The flag has no references to Lucifer Blacks, so, again by assonance, I think about two lanterns, obtained by rolling a grid (the old hunter-killer missile?). The lanterns will be hanging from the eagle above.

Lucifer Black standard bearer conversion finally completed. Metal pieces on and under the base to ballast the miniature. Lanterns mean "now Lucifer Blacks guard the Regiment standard".