Solar Auxilia Tercios and Veletaris Storm Sections, the finest infantry in the galaxy. I have achieved this solid mass of armoured infantrymen, full helmeted troopers (I think it's a virtue of Legions Imperialis that there are no bare-headed models on the battlefield).
I try to take picture of every small conversion, like the remembrancer of the Horus Heresy. So, let the pictures speak for themselves.
The infantry formations so far, five boxes of Solar Auxilia infantry without the Ogryns:
Standards: two Legate Commanders and two Auxilia Tactical Commands. I've upgraded the previous conversions, with volkite chargers for Commanders' bodyguards and lasrifles for Tactical Lieutenants; black cloaks for everyone; lightnings for Sub-Cohorts and axes for Pioneers:
Tercios. I remove laspistols and sabres to some Sergeants, keeping just one leader for each Tercio/Flamer Auxiliares detachment. I add some tank crew torsos to the legs of lasriflemen who are assigned to Auxilia Tactical Commands:
Veletaris. I deploy some bases with Volkite Charger thanks to the sabres and laspistols I've got above.
Aeton Heavy Sentinels and Auxilia Cyclops:
Rapier and Tarantula detachments are still missing...