Saturday, September 29, 2018

Sentinel Facocerus, part 3

Finally, I've darkened Sentinel Facocerus, so it's dark as Stormtrooper's Chimera of Assault Group Dedizione.
Base gets red too (I have to wash with red all Stormtroopers' bases):

Facocerus means warthdog, so I change the original piranha with this funny cow warthdog:

Before the Facocerus, Stormtrooper's armoured Chimera needed a surname and it got one: Neropardus. I love Neropardus, because it sounds similar to Nero Vipus, of course.


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Facocerus, metal Sentinel restyle

Recovery and restyle. Old metal Sentinel is far from to be a good model, so I change its look. I love these new pop up lights, they look like eyes and the two multilasers look like warthog fangs. Facocerus is an approssimative translation of warthog and it's a new add-on to the Assault Group Dedizione.

Some pics of the painted armoured Sentinel:
Pilot of this open-topped walker has got down the armoured windshield to improve his visibility:
My Facocerus Sentinel has become too much green, too light, and maybe It has to get darker. The base is not yet completed.

Some pics of the work in progress:
I had to self-made half of the left foot with dry green stuff...

A group-photo with Stormtroopers and Lucifer Blacks (the Imperial Eagle on the Standard comes from this Sentinel...!):
If you compare Chimera and Sentinel, you can note that colour scheme of second one is lighter... Do I have to repaint it?