The plan behind the recent renovation of Imperial Stormtroopers and Beret Stormtroopers miniatures is to mix all the selected squads and to merge them in the following Company:
Assault Group Dedizione
Command squad Solida
Role: middle-range fire support.
Equipment: combi-hellgun and autopistol (Commander), sniper rifle, grenade launcher and close combat weapons (Lucifer Blacks).
Support units: armoured Chimera with heavy bolters and hunter missile and Eversor Assassin (very-close combat support).
Eversor Assassin
(AMIG on the standard can mean Arma Mano Iro Gura
or some other gothic motto that sounds better)
Stormtroopers squads Gamma
Role: mortal arrows.
Equipment: meltagun, plasma gun, hot-shot lasguns, frag and krak grenades, meltabomb and close combat weapons for each squad (Stormtroopers).

Veteran squads Black Devils
Role: infiltration, capture the objectives and hold them.
Equipment: meltagun, plasmagun, demolition charge, multilaser, hellguns, frag and krak grenades, close combat weapons for each squad (Veterans).

Facocerus Armoured Sentinel
Role: firing speartip.
Equipment: 2 multilasers.

Assault craft Soldier Termite
Role: ramming enemy fortification, carrying assault units.
Equipment: 3 stormbolters, 2 internal heavy bolter